GitHub Community
If you're stuck and reading the documentation doesn't help, please don't hesitate to open an issue on GitHub for the affected package.
They help us maintainers to know what's hard to understand, and help others being stuck in a similar situation.
Stack Overflow Community
The Stack Overflow Community can answer your question if it's generic enough. Use the amphp
tag so the right people find your question.
If you have a reputation of 20 or more, you might also join the PHP
chat room there to
get help.
Found a bug?
Please report any issues you might have as issues on Github. Bugs or documentation issues should be reported on the related package. Generic website issues should be reported to our website repository.
Have Feedback?
Great, we love feedback! You can either use one of our chats or GitHub issues for sending feedback. You can also ping us on Twitter if you like.